Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mouse and Key Automation Tools

Prishtina MagicKeys 1.0
Compatible with: Win9x, ME, XP, Vista
Filename: magickeys.msi
Size: 281 kb
Author: Prishtina Soft
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Description: Prishtina MagicKeys is a text replacement utility. It allows the user to define an endless amount of keystrokes to be replaced by text or paragraphs. The software observes the keys that the user types and replaces the defined keystroke with the corresponding text. This allows users to save a lot of time by removing the tedious task of repeatedly typing long text.

* Create an unlimited amount of tables
* Unlimited amount of Keywords per table
* Create replacement text of up to 30,000 charachters
* Stays hidden from view while monitoring keywords
* Freeware

V-Control v3.05

V-Control v3.05
Compatible with: Win2k, XP, Vista
Size: 8 mb
Author: VMAN
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Description: Multipurpose automation software, controlling almost any kind of devices with control interface (RS232/422/485, TCP, UDP, DMX, MIDI, Web etc.).

Show Control:
Control hard disk video- and audio players, VTR's, crossbars / matrix switches, video projectors, relays, DMX and MIDI equipment in Theme Parks, Museums, Theatres and Show Events.

Home Control:
Expand your Windows, Linux or Mac home server to an universal home control system. Control all connected devices via web interface. Beside RS232 and TCP, we also support X10 and RF.

Control Room:
Integrate V-Control in monitoring an control facilities. Alarm and status messages, comming from RS 232 / 422 / 485, TCP or UDP interfaces, being processed in a multitasking environment.

Magic Do 1.0

Magic Do 1.0
Compatible with: Win9x, NT4, ME, Win2k, XP, Vista
Filename: magic_do_setup.exe
Size: 588 kb
Author: electronicdesignworks
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Description: Magic Do is a VHDL hierarchy builder that automates the process of generating ncsim or modelsim compilation macros. The same file list can also be reused for synthesis of scripts and/or compilation macros for any other simulator.

1) Automatically generates compilation macro.
2) Automatically finds and includes required packages.
3) Automatically inserts 87 and 93 option for each file.
4) Provides Alternate folder (optional).
5) Generates unused files and multiple component definition report (optional).


Compatible with: WinALL
Filename: autoit-v3-setup.exe
Size: 6.5 mb
Author: AutoItScript
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Description: AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on all versions of Windows out-of-the-box with no annoying "runtimes" required!

AutoIt was initially designed for PC "roll out" situations to reliably automate and configure thousands of PCs. Over time it has become a powerful language that supports complex expressions, user functions, loops and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.


- Easy to learn BASIC-like syntax

- Simulate keystrokes and mouse movements

- Manipulate windows and processes

- Interact with all standard windows controls

- Scripts can be compiled into standalone executables

- Create Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)

- COM support

- Regular expressions

- Directly call external DLL and Windows API functions

- Scriptable RunAs functions

- Detailed helpfile and large community-based support forums

- Compatible with Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista

- Unicode support

- Digitally signed for peace of mind

- Works with Windows Vista's User Account Control (UAC)

AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required

Do It Again v1.0

Do It Again v1.0
Compatible with: /Win2k/XP
Filename: SetupDoItAgain.msi
Size: 1.17 mb
Author: spacetornado software
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Description: Do It Again is a free, simple program that allows you to make your computer automatically perform a task for you, whenever you want. Record a task (or macro) then sit back and watch as your computer automates that task, clicking the mouse and pressing the keyboard by itself.

If there is something that you do on your computer over and over, and you do it exactly the same way every time (such as backing up your pictures, checking web-based email for new messages, etc.), you can tell Do It Again how to perform that task (by doing it once yourself to create the new task). Then you can run that task whenever you want and Do It Again will automatically click the buttons and press the keyboard keys (in exactly the same way as when you created the task), while you sit back and watch the task being performed on the screen.

This is also called macro or automation software, as it allows you to record a macro, then play it back to automate the actions of that macro.

ZenKEY 1.8.0

ZenKEY 1.8.0
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP
Filename: ZenKEY18.exe
Size: 2.8 mb
Author: ZenCODE
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Description: ZenKEY allows you to control almost all aspects of your computer via the keyboard and mouse. Using keystrokes that work no matter what program you are in, you can:

Launch a program or bring it back into focus
Open a document, folder or Internet resource
Automatically make active or inactive windows transparent
Minimize or maximize a window
Resize, move or alter a window
Perform an internet search
Issue a Media command, such as play, pause or volume up/down
Start your screensaver or shutdown your computer
Access hidden Windows utilities
Control Winamp or compatible media players (we love QCD Player!)
Instantly display any menu of programs or actions at the mouse pointer
Launch a program automatically on ZenKEY startup
Set the Mouse pointer speed
Simulate a series of keystrokes
Switch between tasks

Using the ZenKEY configuration utility, you can add any program, add or alter any menu, and assign any keystroke to perform any action.

HotKicks 4.0

HotKicks 4.0
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP
Size: 139 kb
Author: Kunle Adegoke
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Description: HotKicks combines, in a single executable, functions which as a rule you only get by installing several programs. New users of HotKicks often wonder how they managed to use Windows without HotKicks! If you like using hotkey combinations you will love this little program. It has many built in functions like immediate or scheduled shutdown/restart/logoff/standby/hibernate, launch default browser or email client, open explorer, display important info about your computer like IP address, memory usage and so on, defragment your computer and shutdown, open/close CD drive, empty the recycle bin or/and delete files or folders at startup, delete index.dat files, backup or synchronize directories, rename multiple files, fix window on top, enable or disable your screensaver etc.

File Commander 1.2

File Commander 1.2
Compatible with: Win9x/ME/Win2k/XP
Filename: FileCommander.msi
Size: 1424 kb
Author: Cinnamon Software
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Description: File Commander helps you save time when organizing the files on your disk. If you find that you're moving, copying, or deleting the same files over and over, you can use File Commander to make a simple command that does it for you. When you run the command, your files will be moved, copied, or deleted just as if you'd done it yourself. File Commander includes a Wizard for creating new commands, with easy step-by-step instructions. There are no scripts to write and no technical jargon to understand.

AutoMouseClicker v1.25

AutoMouseClicker v1.25
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP
Size: 21 kb
Author: Mingkun Goh
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Description: Some irritaing games or softwares requires you to click many hundred times, and this program just do that for you automatically.

WinMacro v1.2.1

WinMacro v1.2.1
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP
Size: 57 kb
Author: S. Senthil Kumar
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Description: WinMacro is a simple Macro recorder/player for Windows written in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. It can record whatever you do at your Windows Desktop, and can replay them exactly. It doesn't record video, instead it uses windows hooking mechanisms to monitor your mouse and keyboard events, and plays them back. Therefore the recorded file is much smaller than what would be if you recorded live video, typically in the range of kilobytes.

If you are wondering what use such software will be, you'll be surprised to know it's power. WinMacro can be used to automate everyday tasks that you need to repetetively. You only have to look at Word or Excel to know how useful it is. I personally use WinMacro to connect to the internet using dialup, open browser windows and type URLs for checking my mail. All I had to do was do that once, and record the whole thing. The next time, I simply play that file back, and everything takes place automatically.

You can use it to give a practical demonstration as part of a tutorial. Just imagine, instead of instructing users to go to Start->Programs->blah blah, you can show the whole thing like somebody sitting nearby. You do what you want your users to do once, record it, and simply give the file as part of the tutorial. Users can then play back the file to get first hand knowledge. You can even use it for testing purposes, say to test a GUI. You needn't keep moving the mouse or banging the keyboard, WinMacro can do it for you.

Toolbar v1.4c

Toolbar v1.4c
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP
Filename: tlbar14c.exe
Size: 499 kb
Author: Rik Blok
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Description: Provides a way to add a customized floating toolbar to any application. When a button is pressed a pre-defined sequence of keystrokes is sent to the desired window. All options for the buttons and what they do may be altered within the configuration file.

Telecurs v1.10

Telecurs v1.10
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP
Size: 19 kb
Author: Jason Hood
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Description: Telecurs (teleport cursor) is a Windows utility to automatically move the mouse cursor to a tab or button in a standard dialog box. After the dialog closes, the cursor can be moved back to its original position.

RemoteKeys 8.4.5

RemoteKeys 8.4.5
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k/XP
Size: 1580 kb
Author: Detlev Schaefer
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Description: RemoteKeys can automate complex control systems, but also simple jobs like inserting text passages into Word and EMails, filling out (internet-) forms with recurring phrases etc. To do this simply click onto one of the 2500 buttons, which can be freely assigned and labeled. The macros can also be released by using the keyboard if prefered. For those wishing to make full use of RemoteKeys, there are over 400 commands available, e.g. inserting the actual date into a text, opening program groups and ordering them on screen or even to automize Excel calculations. The buttons may be assigned with the help of the integrated macro recorder and an integrated timer can activate these buttons. Additional features include an image memory and a clipboard history function. RemoteKeys is always at hand in the systemtray, can be individually configured, is network-able, allows database access and requires no installation. (Engl./Ger./French with manual).

Mouse Recorder 2.1

Mouse Recorder 2.1
Compatible with: Win9x/ME/Win2k/XP
Filename: mouserecorder21.exe
Size: 60 kb
Author: Tarindu Paranagama
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Description: Used to record mouse movements and clicks to play back later. Has some great features.


Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k
Size: 225 kb
Author: Anthony Mathews
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Description: MacroMaker allows the user to build macros and assign them to hotkeys to automate tasks. The user can build a macro to simulate a series of keystrokes, execute built in functions or play back a previous recording with just a keystroke. With the copy and paste functions available you can feasibly have a clipboard, which can store text only, assigned to every key on the keyboard amongst other prebuilt functions. Changes: - Several minor bug fixes. - Better editing capabilites. - Relative mouse coordinates in the MOVE MOUSE POINTER. This way no matter where a window is moved on the screen the mouse will still move to the appropriate location in the window the user is working in. - Added the Windows and Scroll keys on the virtual keyboard. - Save As option so you can use an existing macro as a starting point when creating a new macro. - SEND KEYS command so you can easily type the characters you want to push into the keyboard buffer instead of using the virtual keyboard. For complex key strokes you will still need to use the virtual keyboard, i.e. Ctrl-C and such. - DATE and TIME commands allow you to format the way they look.

Switch Off 1.9

Switch Off 1.9
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/Win2k
Filename: swoff19.exe
Size: 44 kb
Author: Yaroslav Pomazkov / YaSoft
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Description: Switch Off is a free easy-to-use tray-based system utility that can automatically perform various frequently used operations: Shutdown or restart your computer, disconnect your current dialup connection, lock workstation, etc.

Startup Delayer 2.0.54

Startup Delayer 2.0.54
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k
Filename: startdelay.exe
Size: 1.39 mb
Author: r2 studios
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Description: Can you learn another language in the time it takes for your machine to boot?
Do you turn on your PC when you go to bed, so it's finished booting by the time you get home from work the next day?

When Windows loads it's Startup file, it attempts to load every program in there at the same time. Therefore if you have quite a lot of programs starting when Windows starts, each program will try and grab CPU time so that it can load.

If each program tries to do this at the same time, you soon notice the slow down that occurs, due to your CPU trying to help all the programs to load, and your hard disk accessing multiple files.

Startup Delayer allows you to setup how many seconds after Windows has started, to load each program.

For Example:
If you have your mail program and a special clock starting up, then you can make your mail start say 10 seconds after Windows has loaded, and then the special clock start 20 seconds after Windows Starts.

AceMacro 2.0

AceMacro 2.0
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/ME/Win2k
Filename: Mac10.EXE
Size: 584 kb
Author: HiTek Software
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Description: AceMacro is a macro recording and replaying utility. You can record and replay keyboard and mouse events. AceMacro can be launched from the command line to replay your recordings. Free for personal/home use only.

AutoMouse 20000730e

AutoMouse 20000730e
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4/Win2k
Filename: AE_A0730.exe
Size: 287 kb
Author: Kakuya Yamamoto
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Description: 'AutoMouse is a scripting tool, controls mouse and keyboard so you can make scripts to run applications etc.'

Sleepsmart 3.0

Sleepsmart 3.0
Compatible with: Win9x/ME
Filename: slpsmart.exe
Size: 622 kb
Author: Jake rockwell
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Description: Sleepsmart is a program to change the power scheme,disable the screensaver or schedulded tasks while any of the specified programs are running.It is useful for users having TV tuner cards or even others who watch VCDs,DVDs and for other purposes which require uninterupted operation.You can also make programs run on wakeup and terminate programs before going into suspend mode which is required for certain programs like keyboard,mouse diablers,and set sounds for wakeup and suspend.

IEMouse 1.00

IEMouse 1.00
Compatible with: Win9x
Filename: iemouse.exe
Size: 48 kb
Author: Sweet Dreams Software
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Description: Internet Explorer Mouse Cursor Moving Application - Allows quick and easy way to automatically move the mouse cursor in situation where you wish for the mouse cursor to move. Easy enable and disable options and even a automatic mouse clicker built in to fire mouse clicking events. All automatic!

ClickOff 1.40

ClickOff 1.40
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4
Filename: clickoff.exe
Size: 260 kb
Author: SoftwareHQ
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Description: This program automatically clicks buttons on annoying error messages etc. It takes about 0.3% of your CPU time which means that it doesn't slow down your system. It is only visible in your system tray and it easy to configure. German and English language file is included. CPU utilization has been lowered and unuseful options have been removed in V1.40

MyRun 1.10

MyRun 1.10
Compatible with: Win9x
Filename: MyRunInstall.EXE
Size: 582 kb
Author: Timofey Spirin
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Description: MyRun allow you to run several programms by one click. For each programm you can set pauses before/after launch, window position (hide too), process priority and some megs of physical memory to free.
Whats new:
- Multilanguage interface.
- MyRunEdit interface rewrited.
- MyRun can hide when working.
- Misc bugs fixed.

Mouse Mover 4

Mouse Mover 4
Compatible with: Win9x/NT4
Size: 255 kb
Author: Chris Child's Software
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Description: MouseMove4 is the newly updated version of MouseMove, a program designed to move the mouse to prescribed locations. MouseMove4 includes support for eight movement locations, user settable jump intervals, turn off on real movement, and, newly added, support to click on any of the eight click locations. Also included is an html file that, every time the mouse moves over it (ie set it as one of the jumps) it changes its title, effectively fooling any program that is looking for web brows


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