Saturday, March 21, 2009

WED - Commercial Grade Opensource Web Automation Testing Tool

Commercial Grade Opensource Web Automation Testing Tool

WET is a opensource web automation testing tool which uses Watir as the library to drive web pages. You dont have to download / install Watir separately or know anything about Watir. Watir is the library that WET uses and it is automatically installed for you.

WET drives an IE Browser directly and so the automated testing done using WET is equivalent to how a user would drive the web pages. Using WET, you can perform all the operations required for testing web applications - like automatically clicking a link, entering text in a textfield, clicking a button etc. WET allows you to perform various checks as a part of the testing process by using Checkpoints

Who should use WET: Any level of test engineer who wants to automate his web testing.

An Advanced test automation engineer can directly take the full advantages of the WET Core engine. Since WET is written using Ruby, it exposes a tremendous amount of raw horse power. While WET has many built in testing abilities, a tester can also add libraries / use existing libraries to acheive just about any level of test automation. Your test automation is only gated by your ability to imagine.

The various tools in the Wet UI helps to reduce the learning curve for a Beginner to jump into the world of test automation The WET UI, uses an innovative technique called Proxied UI of Testing using a simulated view. In this technique, you follow the same steps as in the manual test case, but in this case, you use a simulated browser view to perform these actions. With this technique, you get the convenience of a test script recorder, and at the same time, are able to overcome most of the inherent problems associated with test recorders

WET scripts that are created by either writing from the ground up or by using a simulated browser have the same syntax. This allows a test team to define their own balance between scripting and script generatin.

WET offers the convenience of recorders, without compromising on the requirements of a true test automation tool

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